
Odette aussi.

*A few days ago, I opened my little shop on etsy with my first new creations...

*To open my own little shop with all the things i like to make 
is one of my dreams, so why not to start there?

*It's name: 'Odette aussi.'
She was my grand-mother...

*One thing i discovered and loved when i was living in UK, was their 'Tea cosies'..

*I find they complete the look of the kitchen, they add a really homely feel ...
*I don't know exactly why, but when I see a tea cosy on a pot of a nice tea brewing, i am just thinking the people around that tea are HAPPY :)

*So, i designed a few tea cosies...

*Please, have a look and let me know what you think about it?
The Shop:
 Odette aussi.


Figs and creations

* Nice figs from the garden,
i find them even more tasty when i pick them directly from the tree
than in a bowl at home :)

* A little dream is coming through...
I was keeping my wish for the last 10 years,
maybe it's the time to believe in myself and be confident enough to make it real...

*Des jolies figues du jardin,
j'ai toujours préféré déguster les fruits directement cueillis...
enveloppé dans le parfum du figuier,
un bonheur pour les sens.

*Un petit rêve s'éveille,
je gardais ce souhait auprès de moi depuis au moins dix ans,
c'est peut-être le moment de prendre confiance et de lui donner une réalité...



A little present...

*A new baby: Tanguy!
One thing about me: I love talking about babies' names...
*Welcome in the family little boy!
*and a little present from me...


Babies ... The film

*A wonderful documentary following 4 babies life at different places in the world:
Namibie, USA, Japan and Mongolia...

*From the birth to the first steps....

*Follow the link... they are so cute!!!


yesterday and me

*new flowers on the table... my husband made the little bouquet...
:) really cute! i was surprised...
* i need space to work my art,
so far i have been painting in the kitchen
and i had to tidy and move things around all the time... I NEED SPACE!!!!
*So i moved things from the living room and i set my art studio there... youpi!!!
at least for the summer, as we don't really use it as we spend a lot of time outside...
we'll see later how i am getting on with my work and my new ideas.... again....
*A new space... a start... i will let you know...
*have a nice day:)



*The sun is hot, it's still a pleasure...
*Early mornings, quiet afternoons, late evenings watering the garden.
*The summer life is there.
*A new name is coming ... in my heart so far ;)
*Do you remember the redcurrants i picked the other day?