
The Herb Garden

*Between two April showers, here the sun is getting more and more shiny and warm :)
*And this week-end, we worked a bit more on our little project:
The Herb Garden

*Sorrel, rosemary, parsley, chive, thyme... the basics to start ...

*I enjoy the new view we have from the kitchen window...
*especially my grandad's lemon tree ... thanks papy :)
*If you have any tips, they are welcome ;)
*Have a good week everyone!


Spring and all its projects :)

*Just busy...

with Spring coming back, we suddenly have a lot more to do...

*The holiday rental season starting next saturday,

so we are well occupied to finish all the projects we planned to do for the new season...

*But I am not complaining at all as I think i quite like to be busy

and I definately hate to be bored and without any list to complete ;)

*If you would like to have a look,

the visit is continuing at La Maison Vieille

with the first and 2nd floor...

*Have a nice week-end everyone :)



*Today, was a gardening day
and I will show you soon my first steps in that new territory...:)
*And as a little friend, Galinette was all day close to me...
*she was following me...
*sitting there and looking at what i was doing...
*playing with a dry leaf here...
*doing some stretching and having a sun bath...
*knocking my hand to have a cuddle... so sweet
*and after that long day running around the garden,
she finished by a well-deserved rest in my grandad's green house
*Thanks Galinette
for helping me today :)
(I know... I am mad but i love cats...)


View from the Kitchen...

*Here is the view from the kitchen this morning when we got up.

... magic light...
*it's going to be a beautiful sunny day :)
*Have a good day everyone!


La Maison Vieille

*Spring is coming and a new challenge is starting for us too...
*Today, it's the Open Day of a new blog called
* If you need to go on holidays you just have to come in...
*Thanks and see you soon :)


Home Tour //2: the kitchen

*here is following the visit of our little cottage in south-west france :)
*and here is the kitchen:
the heart of the house!

* I made the cushions myself with tea towels from pedlars and tiptree

* I am absolutely crazy for crockery... my dream: a set for each season and a huge glass cabinet to display them...*

*to follow the green rules,
i use the shoe cabinet "TRONES" from Ikea instead of lots of bins all over the kitchen!
*really easy to use and easy to clean!
Hope you had a beautiful sunny day as here today!!



* A nice sunny week-end
* The outside life is coming back slowly
* Wish you a good week everyone :)


Little Monsters

*Yesterday, we received a little present from UK.... I love british packaging!

* these little monsters we will help us to recognize our glass when we have a party...
or just for a funny touch on the table dishes or on the mirror in the bathroom or... ???
Any ideas?


Home tour

*because it's too cold outside
*because the winter doesn't want to go
*because spring lets me extra time to enjoy our cosy life inside
*i am going to enjoy these last days in (hopefully...) before the outside living
* so why not to start with a Home tour?
*Chapter 1: The lounge

*tip one:
*we have only that little fireplace as central heating! we planned the house around it and that make it really efficient!
*Also, i like to have our place clean and tidy ... so i made that box for the wood with an Ikea box and 4 wheels! much more pratical than a traditionnal willow basket which lets all the little dust and bits falling through...


Scary night!

*a call, and we got up early in the middle of the night: the neighbour's house is burning down!!!

*they are safe, they woke up smelling the smoke, God bless!

*after, the firefighters arrived and started to saved the oldest part of the house, a nice tower in stone... it's already too late for the most recent extension.

*incredible and frightening...
all a house gone in a night... :(


A cosy sleep...

*rain, rain, rain again...
*with a day like today, i would just love to stay under a cosy blanket... like Lupio is having such a good sleep this morning...

*sssshhhh... do not disturb, please...


Little treasure... Petits trésors du quotidien

*Une amie d'enfance m'a offert ce joli assortiment végétal à l'occasion de mon anniversaire... Merci Marie-Laure :)
*Le printemps se faisant timide, ces nouvelles petites amies ont réellement apporté un rayon de soleil sur notre table...
*N'ayant pourtant pas la main verte, j'apprécie beaucoup de les voir d'épanouir chaque jour... encore merci Mary pour ce petit bonheur du quotidien ;)

*These lovely flowers are my birthday present from my friend... thank you Marie-Laure :)
*Normally I am not a person who would have a lot of plants in the house, but I really enjoy them! I like to look at them growing. They are really part of the kitchen now, adding sun and colors on the table... I think i like them because they are tiny and cute ;) and of course because they are from my friend... a little joy for everyday life....
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*On Sunday, we went for a long walk around Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val. It's a really pretty village close to us.
*We normally go there for the market the Sunday mornings (really busy in summer :)... but that time we decided to enjoy the first sign of Spring coming... Days are getting longer, the sun is getting warmer, the flowers are coming out... we are talking more and more about gardening, vegetables, outside lunch... I want Spring!