
Home tour

*because it's too cold outside
*because the winter doesn't want to go
*because spring lets me extra time to enjoy our cosy life inside
*i am going to enjoy these last days in (hopefully...) before the outside living
* so why not to start with a Home tour?
*Chapter 1: The lounge

*tip one:
*we have only that little fireplace as central heating! we planned the house around it and that make it really efficient!
*Also, i like to have our place clean and tidy ... so i made that box for the wood with an Ikea box and 4 wheels! much more pratical than a traditionnal willow basket which lets all the little dust and bits falling through...

6 commentaires:

Victoria | Hibiscus Bloem a dit…

You have a beautiful home - so neat and tidy. Great idea of the box for fire wood. We have an open fire too, so lovely this winter (which seems never ending) to feel warm and cosy in the evenings.

Ange a dit…

Moi j'ai peint des caisses à vin sur lesquelles j'ai mis des roulettes...Super pour ranger des livres aussi!!

Audrey a dit…

Thank you for your comments! :) it's nice to share ideas...

v a dit…

I love the LA curtains! want to see more:):)

PhotoPuddle a dit…

What a beautiful living room you have. Love the colour scheme and you leather armchair.
Also wanted to say thanks for visiting and following my blog.

Unknown a dit…

Superbe chez toi....
Le fauteuil...Christel adore!!!
Elle en veut le même par la suite...
Et la déco, les couleurs...tout ce que j'aime..