

*A really bad weather...
it seems we are back in November... cold and wet :(
*The thank you cards are ready to be send...
A thank you for all the nice words we had since my grandma is in the other world.
*A lot of tears, it's more difficult than i thought,
we knew she was suffering a lot and that the end could be soon...
but still, it's more difficult than i thought...
i can't realize i won't see her, listen her, speak with her anymore...
i regret i didn't tell her more how much i loved her, how much i was proud she was my grandma, all the memories, the games, the projects we had together, how much i feel close to her...
how much i was and i am crossed against the illness which has taken her...

2 commentaires:

Belliflora a dit…

Faire le deuil c'est très difficile, quelles que soient les conditions.
Le temps fera son oeuvre, en attendant, profite de ta vie. (malgré le temps pourri)

Audrey a dit…

merci Belliflora... merci pour ces mots de réconfort, merci de passer par ici...