
She has gone...

* a few weeks ago, i received a friendly email from a lady who saw my painting on my blog
and asked me if i am selling my art...

*it was just a huge honour for me, because Anne is the author of a blog I like to follow...
I love her pictures, her blog and the atmosphere coming through it.
estaminet coquet...  a poem in itself.

*from my kitchen, she is now sitting in her office.

*it's like a dream for me... :)

8 commentaires:

Evelyne a dit…

Un moment de solitude capturé avec charme et beauté.

cris a dit…

je comprends très bien l'envie d'Anne...magnifique ce tableau !!!

Sara Louise a dit…

That's brilliant!! Congrats on selling your beautiful painting! :-)

heather jenkinson a dit…

Wait, you sell your work? That's very interesting - I'm always on the look out for art for my clients. I absolutely adore the piece you sold to Anne. Do you have a catalogue (clumsy term, but you know what I mean...), I would very much like to see it. H

Audrey a dit…

Thank you so much for all your comments! I am setting up a new work space and I hope to have more to show you soon... merci merci merci :)

Juniper a dit…

Oh this painting is so beautiful and is perfect in it's new space, congratulations!

anne a dit…

Ce tableau m'est une aide précieuse dans l'agencement de mon bureau. Il donne à ma pièce une atmosphère très particulière...
Merci à toi pour ce beau travail, et pour ta gentillesse !

julianna a dit…

oh love this one even more to late!!! my loss