
Confidences... 7 things about myself...

I was tagged by my friend V.
Interesting that game... so let's go!

1. I prefer to wash white clothes and white linen... because they look nicer in the house when they are drying ... better match...i know ... mad :)

2. I love to be busy... but I get bored really quickly... Everyday i have a new idea, I think about a new project, I want to start a lot of things... but I am bad to finish what i start... ;)

3. I am an only child... I would like to have brothers and sisters... but I have no ideas of what it is... When I was younger, I tried to create with my friends a kind of relationship that I could have with a sister or a brother just to imagine what's that feeling...

4. When i was a child, I would like to be cheesemonger. Today, I make my own yogurt.

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5. I hate surprises... I am absolutely unable to hide that I don't like something... I wrote a wish list to my husband ... so like that no bad surprises... but I have to say when someone do a surprise for me and it's perfectly what i like... i could cry ... i am over the moon!

*picture from there

6. I love talking about babies and children's names.

7. When I am in London, I always go to the National gallery to say "Hello" to my favorite drawing.



yellow and blue... again :)

*we went yesterday to our big town, Toulouse, for a shopping day!
*and as always i went to my favourite "yellow and blue" playground ...
but i will keep my little project secret for a few days until is ready ...;)

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Our little farm...

* we are quite busy at the moment with our little animals as we have to feed with milk two little lambs 3 times a day because they lost their mum... sorry for the blurred pictures but they are really really lively:)

* and also we had to pull one of our donkeys "Manon" up the hill because she was really ill... i was so sad... we have had her for 20 years... and now she is feeling a lot better and just stays around the house and comes to meet us everytime we are out just to check if we have any treats in our pocket...
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* we went back to one of our favorite place.... Saint-Symphorien... we wished to be married there but it was not possible as the church is not open... apparently someone live in it...
*but it's still a nice place to have a walk with really old hedge of buxus, river, and cave... we love it!


Let's go!

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*J'ai reçu hier, dans une petite boîte comme j'aime, mes toutes nouvelles cartes de visites... j'adore! :)

*J'ai choisi ce design car il rappelle un nuancier de couleurs en miniature... présenter/représenter

*elles viennent de chez little MOO


Un jour comme les autres...

*se réveiller à côté de toi

*nous préparer le petit déjeuner

*t'écouter préparer la cheminée qui réchauffera la maison toute la journée

*parler de nos envies, de nos rêves, de nos points de vue, de nos ressentis

*une longue promenade

*le thé que l'on partage

*nos rires

*un voeu: que tous les jours soient ainsi!
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Un dimanche...

Un doux matin... du temps... une balade accompagnée d'un beau soleil d'hiver refleté d'or... du temps pour un afternoon tea... lupio et l'éloge de la paresse....

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du temps pour peindre... enfin...

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*un joli livre pour des biscuits plus alléchants les uns que les autres...un faible: les livres de cuisine avec de jolies photos... je craque.... il le savait...miam!!!

*toffee....une de mes gourmandises préférée

*une longue balade à la belle lumière d'un soleil de février

*et bien sûr des crêpes... mon gâteau d'anniversaire :)

et vous, c'est quoi votre gâteau d'anniversaire?

and you, what's your birthday cake?
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