
The End.

2010 finished with too much emotions
'mes petites curiosités' was the picture of that previous year and I want to close it.
I want to start 2011 with a new skin, optimistic, with hope.
I would like to thank my loyal readers: veronika :), juniper, sara louise, victoria, sarah elisabeth, loree, barbara, elisabeth, jeanne, amaryllis, anne, bruno, ange, celine, amanda... and all of you that i haven't met yet.

In the next couple week, I will give you here the new blog address.
I hope I will stay in touch with all of you ...

I wish you the best for 2011.

See you soon.

7 commentaires:

Loree a dit…

I hope the emotions were good ones and I hope you will be back soon.

Victoria | Hibiscus Bloem a dit…

Oh yes please do start a new fresh blog for 2011, we shall miss you otherwise. Wishing you health happiness and a great 2011.

Sara Louise a dit…

Best of luck Aud! Be sure to post the new address :-)

Sarah Elizabeth a dit…

Happy New Year Aud. I hope that 2011 will be filled with happiness for you. I look forward to sharing the year with you on your new blog x x

PS Terribly sorry to read about your grandfather - hope you are ok x

anne a dit…

Bien chère Audrey,
Au delà de l'affliction que tu éprouves, je te souhaite mes meilleurs voeux pour la nouvelle année. Je sais la douleur liée à la perte de personnes aimées et je pense bien à toi.

chubi & ti a dit…

Une page se tourne, 2010 est derrière nous... Je te souhaite de belles choses pour cette nouvelle année 2011 porteuse d'espérance, de beaux projets, de belles rencontres...
Et j'attends avec impatience le lien vers ton nouveau blog !

Elizabeth Whiteman a dit…

Thank you for your beautiful photos in 2010. I have enjoyed them immensely. I understand that it's hard leaving sometimes. We've never met, but from your photos I see how you find beauty all around you, so I am confident you will make a beautiful new life for yourself, and looking forward to sharing some of it on your new blog. Courage!